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Welcome to Lancashire Cricket's Safeguarding Page

Lancashire Cricket is committed to providing safe, fun, positive, inclusive experiences for all individuals who participate with our Club, Foundation and partner associated activities and events. Lancashire Cricket are committed to;

  • Safeguarding and protecting the children, young people and adults at risk that we engage with. These groups are front and centre of our organisation.
  • Provide open, transparent, safe, fun environments to protect and grow the game, allowing participants to become their very best.
  • Ensuring our people, partners and services are recruited safely and educated consistently on relevant safeguarding matters.
  • Being open to develop our processes and manage any concerns appropriately.
  • Ensure that we develop the game and leave it improved for future generations.
  • Maintaining a clear Club wide root to branch safeguarding structure, with appropriate designated networks, where responsibilities are aligned and regularly reviewed.

You can view our Safeguarding Policy Statement here.

We expect everybody who works with children, young people and adults at risk to share our commitment to safeguarding, demonstrating a dedicated approach in everything we do.

If you have a concern about your own safety or the safety or welfare of a child, young person or adult at risk who engages in Club activities, you can contact us at [email protected] 

Alternatively, you can contact:

Paul Milne
Club safeguarding Manager
[email protected] 

Mike Buckley
County Welfare Officer
[email protected] 


If you would prefer, the ECB safeguarding team can be contacted directly, you can do this by calling 020 7432 1200 and asking for a member of the Safeguarding Team or by emailing [email protected] 

Lancashire County Foundation safeguarding page can be found here.  

For further information and downloads please visit the ECB Safeguarding page here.

The Guide below is for anyone who is under 18, and their friends, family and guardians to learn more about:

  • What Lancashire Cricket does to keep children safe and well when they are participating in an Activity, spectating or attending events
  • What to do if you are worried about something
  • What we do at Lancashire Cricket if we are worried about your safety or wellbeing
  • What is Safeguarding?

    What is Safeguarding?

    Safeguarding is putting the safety and wellbeing of anyone under the age of 18 at the centre of what we do. We aim to create an environment where they feel encouraged; listened to; feel able to reach their potential, and to make a positive contribution. Safeguarding procedures underpin all that we do.

    Vulnerable groups have the right to be safe wherever they are; at home, with friends, at school, out and about or at cricket.

    Everyone at Lancashire Cricket holds a responsibility to make sure that the wellbeing of children, young people and adults at risk are put first.

    Creating open and transparent environments for Safeguarding

    It is important that everyone at Lancashire Cricket feels safe and happy. We make sure that:

    • We have an environment where you can feel comfortable to tell someone if something worries you.
    • We take your concerns seriously
    • Our staff have relevant, continuous training and guidelines on the best ways to work with children, spot issues and manage them properly
  • What is Abuse?

    What is Abuse?

    Abuse is anything another person does that causes harm. Abuse can happen in families, between friends or anywhere. Peer on Peer abuse is the most common sort of abuse. Below are some different types of abuse that may be experienced:

    Physical Abuse includes:

    • Hitting, smacking, and slapping
    • Burning or scalding
    • Throwing things or spitting at you
    • Shaking or suffocating you

    Sexual Abuse including:

    • Touching
    • Saying or suggesting things of a sexual nature
    • Making you watch, or
    • Making you take part in things that make you uncomfortable, usually intended for adults
    • Up-skirting, posting private images and content

    Emotional Abuse:

    When someone makes you feel bad or low about yourself. This can include ignoring you or putting you down. Placing you in a difficult situations or setting you goals that are not achievable


    Bullying, repeated actions or words that make you feel bad about yourself or those linked to you. It can be online or face to face and includes:

    • Name calling
    • Pushing
    • Threatening you
    • Ridicule
    • Hitting, striking and intimidation


    When your basic needs are not met or provided, such as food, medicine, housing, clothing, as well as others such as physical, emotional, social, educational and safety needs. It also means not protecting you from harm or having dangerous environments and ignoring guidance and advice.

    Discriminatory Abuse:

    When you feel harassed or picked on because of who you are. These may be comments or “jokes and banter” which are personal and can include:

    • Racist
    • Sexist
    • Homophobic
    • Ageist
    • Based on your disability


    Grooming is defined as developing the trust of an individual, family or staff for the purposes of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or trafficking.

    Coercive Control and Modern Slavery:

    Coercive Control is a pattern of controlling behaviour and/or incidents that occur over time. One individual exerts power, control or coercion over another, e.g. restricting movements, access to money, isolating victim from family and friends, sometimes associated with threats and intimidation.

    Modern Slavery

    Modern Slavery encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic slavery.

    Abuse can also take other forms such as child sexual or criminal exploitation, genital mutilation (FGM) and hazing (initiation activities) amongst others.

    Abuse is not acceptable.
    Being a victim of abuse is not your fault, don’t keep it to yourself.
    We will help.

  • Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism

    Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism

    Lancashire Cricket and its subsidiaries will not tolerate activity of any sort which creates environments for the radicalisation of individuals regardless of which extremist ideology it is based upon.

    Radicalisation is “the process through which an individual changes from passiveness or activism to become more revolutionary, militant or extremist, especially where there is intent towards, or support for, violence.”

    Extremism is defined as “the holding of extreme political or religious views”.
    The strategy covers all forms of terrorism, including far right extremism, and some aspects of non-violent extremism.

    All delivery staff have been trained to spot radicalisation and extremism and how to report any concerns that they might have if someone is showing extremist views or might have been radicalised.

  • What Lancashire Cricket does to protect Children, Young People and Adults at risk

    What Lancashire Cricket does to protect Children, Young People and Adults at risk

    Recruitment and Training

    All staff who work with anyone under 18 or an adult at risk go through rigorous recruitment, selection, induction and training processes. This includes background checks (DBS) before they start working. Interviews, referencing and work place monitoring to ensure they can do their job well. All staff have specialist training, so they develop awareness know what to look for, and what to do to safeguard all children, young people and adults at risk.

    Safety at Matches

    We want your experience of watching Lancashire Cricket teams to be first class. To do this we ensure everyone follows safety and safeguarding procedures; All staff, partners and supplier services are suitably trained; We embed and empower a team of Safeguarding Stewards, hospitality teams and safeguarding managers across our footprint to ensure the very best standards are delivered and concerns can be responded to appropriately. Anyone under 16 years old must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.

    We use a number of initiatives to ensure that the environment is as safe as possible which include but are not limited to, designated people, additional needs training, wristbands, safe spaces and sensory rooms, sensory packs and a family stand which is alcohol free.

    If you are bringing groups of children to a match or event onsite then please plan properly, organise meeting points for emergencies in and out of the ground, wear the same colours or something that distinguishes your children, identify the nearest toilets and food stands to where you are sitting, plan for hot or inclement weather, bring water bottles and use the water refill fountains, introduce yourself to your friendly stewards and always accompany children if they want to explore the stadium.

  • Information held about me

    Information held about me

    If you have any ongoing contact with Lancashire Cricket it is likely we will take some personal details, for example your name, address, date of birth, details of your parents or guardian.

    This is so we know who you are and can contact you again. We might also ask to take your picture. This will be for good reason, like to celebrate an event or an achievement. Either way we will ask for your parent / carer’s permission to do this.

    Normally if you give permission, we apply it to all situations where photographs might be taken. You can always opt out before, during or following.

    We store all information and images in line with data protection law. This means all information is;

    • Collected with your consent and your parents/ carers consent
    • Stored safely
    • Deleted within the correct timescales.

    Matches and Live Events

    Please be aware that it is a condition of entry that still and moving images will be captured and you may be included in these. These may be broadcast or used for publication and marketing purposes across a variety of formats and platforms.

    If you would like to know more please click here.

  • Worried about the conduct of a member of staff?

    Worried about the conduct of a member of staff?

    If you feel a member of Lancashire Cricket staff has:

    • Behaved in a way that has or could harm a child, young person or adult at risk
    • Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child, young person or adult at risk
    • Behaved towards a vulnerable group in a way that indicates he or she may pose a risk of harm or potential harm to children, young person or adult at risk
    • Behaved or may have behaved in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with children, young people or adults at risk.

    Please report it using the form or contact number at the top of the page.

    All allegations and reports are taken seriously. We will contact you, confirm details and outline next steps, keeping you as up to date as possible with developments.

  • Asking for help

    Asking for help

    How to report something you are worried about

    Lancashire Cricket is somewhere where you can have a good time. It is also somewhere you can turn to if you want to share any worries. These could be worries at home, with friends, at school or at Lancashire Cricket.

    We will listen

    It can be difficult to share things. You might worry that something is wrong, you might not be able to explain things well. This does not matter; staff will listen and give you the time to talk, listen, act on what you say and most importantly make sure you're safe.

    It can be difficult to ask for help, here’s what you can do

    You don’t have to share everything all at once, small steps are ok. Tell them what worries you. Telling someone safe is the most important thing. Choose an adult you trust. Someone who makes you feel safe and you know will listen.

    It could be;

    • A coach
    • A member of the Lancashire Cricket Safeguarding Team
    • A teacher
    • A family member
    • A family friend

    Telling someone your worries might make you nervous, try not to worry its normal..

    Telling someone about things that worry you will make you feel better.

    It might be hard to describe things, find the right words or tell us exactly what you mean to. We are good at listening and understanding. You might prefer to write things down, that’s cool too.

    Talk to us if you have any worries, you can report a problem to us here.

    If you are not satisfied with the outcome of raising a concern or complaint please consider escalating your concern via our whistleblowing process. This will be dealt with by senior members of the Club who will act independently. Full details can be found here.

  • Safeguarding Policies and Guidelines